To assess the current maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) ultrasound (U/S) training experience during fellowship. An anonymous survey of 51 questions was distributed to 114 postgraduate year (PGY-6) MFM fellows (from 75 MFM programs) registered to attend the annual Gottesfeld-Hohler Memorial Foundation MFM Fellow Ultrasound Training Course in December 2019. For programs with more than one PGY-6 fellow, instructions were given for only one fellow to represent the program. The survey included continuous, ordinal, and categorical scale questions on U/S training structure, fellows’ self-perception of U/S capabilities, research, mentorship, and technical aspects of sonography. Categorical outcomes were compared using chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test, as appropriate. Completed surveys were submitted by 72 fellows (96% response rate), with 10 (13.9%) from the West, 16 (22.2%) Midwest, 17 (23.6%) South, and 29 (40.3%) Northeast. The majority of fellows reported feeling comfortable performing growth U/S (78%) and uterine artery Doppler interrogations (58%), and feeling uncomfortable with 3D U/S, neurosonography, and fetal echocardiography (Table 1). Fellows undergoing training in the South were less likely to report feeling comfortable performing detailed anatomic surveys and nuchal translucency (NT) when compared to other regions (NT: p=0.046; anatomy: p=0.011) (Table 1). Fellows in the Northeast were more likely to report feeling comfortable performing chorionic villus sampling (CVS) when compared to other regions (p=0.001) (Table 2). There was no difference among fellowship programs in U/S curriculum, bedside teaching, ultrasound-focused research mentorship, or months of U/S training. There is wide geographic variation in fellow comfort with U/S and diagnostic procedures in the United States. This study highlights the need for further optimization and standardization of MFM fellowship U/S training, especially in advanced sonography and diagnostic procedures.View Large Image Figure ViewerDownload Hi-res image Download (PPT)
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