Let T be a closed positive current of dimension p in C n and H an analytic subvariety of C n of dimension n − q ( 1 ⩽ q ⩽ p ) . We denote by 〈 T , H 〉 the slice of T in H if it exists. We consider the functions on ] 0 , + ∞ [ defined by n T ( r ) = r − 2 p ∫ | z | ⩽ r T ∧ β p and n T ( H , r ) = r − 2 ( p − q ) ∫ | z | ⩽ r 〈 T , H 〉 ∧ β p − q . The aim of this paper is to establish relationship between the growth of these functions. We prove results generalizing those of L. Gruman in [Séminaire Lelong–Skoda 1981–1983, Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 1028, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1983, pp. 125–162] and B. Molzan, B. Shiffman and N. Sibony in [Math. Ann. 257 (1981) 43].
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