Let n be a positive integer and u=(u0,u1,…,un) with uk∈H(D) for 0≤k≤n, where H(D) is the space of analytic functions in the unit disk D. For 0<p,q<∞, we introduced a new class of (u,p,q)-Sobolev Carleson measure for the Bergman space Ap, i.e. a positive Borel measure μ on D, for which there exists a constant C>0 such that∫D|u0(z)f(z)+u1(z)f′(z)+⋯+un(z)f(n)(z)|qdμ(z)≤C‖f‖pq for all f∈Ap. Using Sobolev Carleson measures, we characterized the boundedness and compactness of the generalized Volterra-type operator Ig(n) acting on Bergman space to another, which is represented asIg(n)f=In(fg0+f′g1+⋯+f(n−1)gn−1), here g=(g0,⋯,gn−1) with gk∈H(D) for 0≤k≤n−1 and (If)(z)=∫0zf(w)dw is the usual integration operator. This operator is a generalization of the operator introduced by Chalmoukis in [5]. As a consequence, we obtain conditions for certain linear differential equations to have solutions in Bergman spaces. Moreover, we study the boundedness, compactness and Hilbert-Schmidtness of the following sums of generalized weighted composition operators: Lu,φ(n)=∑k=0nWuk,φ(k), Where φ is an analytic self-map of D and Wuk,φf=uk⋅f(k)∘φ.
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