Abstract— In this paper, we propose a novel time-frequencydistribution (TFD) for the analysis of multi-component signals. In particular, we use synthetic as well as real-life speech signals toprove the superiority of the proposed TFD in comparison to someexisting ones. In the comparison, we consider the cross-termssuppression and the high energy concentration of the signal around its instantaneous frequency (IF). Keywords — Cohen’s Class, Multicomponent signal, Separable Kernel, Speech signal, Time- frequency resolution. I. I NTRODUCTION HE spectrogram, a smoothed version of the well-knownWigner-Ville distribution (WVD), has been widely usedin speech applications [1], [2], [3], [4]. The spectrogram,which is in general a cross-terms free time-frequencydistribution (TFD), suffers from the undesirable trade-offbetween the time concentration and the frequencyconcentration. To address the problem of cross-termssuppression, while keeping a high time-frequency resolution,other TFDs have been proposed. Among these, one can citethe smoothed pseudo WVD (SPWVD) [9], the Zhao-Atlas-Marks distribution (ZAMD) [5] and the B-distribution (BD)[6], just to name a few. In this paper, we present a new distribution for the analysis of multicomponent signals. This distribution, inspired from the Butterworth kernel quadraticTFD [8], has the ability of suppressing the cross-terms while keeping a high-resolution in the time-frequency plane. Toassess the performance of this proposed distribution, we alsopropose to compare it to some existing ones known for theircross-terms suppression property. In the comparisonexamples, we use synthetic as well as real-life data from aspeech application. The comparison results show the highperformance of the proposed TFD in dealing with non-stationary multicomponent signals.The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, a theoretical aspect of some TFR interest is presented. A proposed hightime-frequency resolution quadratic TFD is introduced inSection 3. In Section 4, simulations and comparison examplesas well as a discussion are presented. Section 5 concludes thepaper.II. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND FOR QUADRATICTFD