Rotor flux observers can provide an attractive means for achieving direct field oriented control of induction machines. This paper presents a physics-based design methodology and uses it to evaluate open-loop observers and to develop a new closed-loop flux observer. It is shown that the new flux observer is a straightforward structure with properties that combine the best features of known methods. A distinction is made between observers, which use only integration and feedback summation operations, and those estimation methods requiring approximate differentiation which are, in essence, "cancellation" methods. Furthermore, a clear distinction is made between accuracy and dynamic robustness of the observer. This distinction is important because the accuracy of flux observers for induction machines is inherently parameter sensitive, whereas robustness of observers, in a controls sense, is not parameter sensitive. Moreover, it is shown how flux observers can provide robust field oriented control because the flux angle is substantially more correct than the flux magnitude. A distinctive form of frequency response function (FRF) analysis similar to that used in classical control engineering is demonstrated to be a useful and insightful tool even though flux observers are multiple-input, multiple-output systems. Finally, the limits of such flux observers are experimentally evaluated.< <ETX xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">></ETX>
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