.Œlê¿aMassifisanisolatedgroupofhills,surroundedbyplains,locatedontheSudeticForelandwith the main tops of Œlê¿a and Radunia. This mesoregion covers an area composed of two structural units: Sudetic Ophiolite and Strzegom-Sobótka Granite Pluton. The present relief of the Œlê¿a Massif was formed mainly during thePleistoceneglaciations.Thisarticlepresentstheresultsoflandslideobservationsmadeinselectedlocationson the Œlê¿a Massif. Scientific works were carried out on the south-western, southern and eastern slopes of Œlê¿a (composedofgabbros),aswellasonthenorthernslopesofRadunia(serpentinites).Thisareaistheplaceofoccurrence of specific morphological forms with research history abundant in various concepts (among others: moraines of the Scandinavian ice sheet, congelifluction tongues, debris flows, fossil rockglaciers and landslides). Author’s research, based on field works and digital terrain model analysis, reveals that 15 inactive landslides exist at these locations. The forms are characterized by various morphometric parameters and different types of colluvial mass movements. Probably, they emergedasaresultoflatePleistoceneandearlyHoloceneclimatechanges.Author’sconclusionspartiallyconfirmsomeobservations and interpretations stated by Horwath in 1981 and by Traczyk and Kasprzak in 2014. Due to plenty of landslide evidence, the views about relict rock glaciers and other conceptions should be defined as incorrect. The forms require further detailed studies.
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