Introduction. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation and the current regulatory documentation, when designing buildings and structures of high consequences, it is necessary to make calculations for a progressive collapse caused by an emergency situation. There are four methods of analyzing buildings and structures for progressive collapse: linear-elastic static (quasi-static) method; nonlinear static method; linear-elastic dynamic method; and nonlinear dynamic method. A comprehensive analysis procedure with the use of all four methods is considered to be most effective, but such a comprehensive analysis requires additional work of the design engineer, therefore it is of practical importance to use one of the analysis methods mentioned above. This article describes the peculiarities of calculating metal structures for progressive collapse using the quasi-static method.Materials and methods. A compartment of an industrial building of high consequences class was taken as the object under study. The static calculation of the spatial scheme and the constructive calculation of the frame elements were performed in the Lira 10.12 program. Within the object under the study, we analyzed three options for the transition from the primary design scheme to the secondary one. In addition, we considered two more options that do not imply the removal of load-bearing elements from the design scheme after their failure.Results. Despite the fact that, when checking the selected columns for progressive collapse, we obtained ambiguous results for complete movements of nodes adjacent to the lower ends of the columns being removed (loosened) as a result of special impact, and some elements were not checked for design combination of forces, this calculation scheme should be considered resistant to progressive collapse.Discussion and conclusions. The calculation options used for progressive collapse analysis by the quasi-static method, when checked for design combination of forces, have shown identical results. The difference between the calculation options based on removing parts of the elements in which their operation fails, and the options based on unbinding these elements, has been about 2-3%.
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