This work raises the problem of the evolution of deforestation in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Cameroon. This land cover study was mainly based on diachronic analyzes of satellite images (Landsat). Diachronic analysis, used for a long time to understand the transformations of space, is an approach which carries out a comparative study, by superposition, or even juxtaposition of the different documents processed. Diachronic analysis in this study is developed over a three-decade period. Understanding vegetation dynamics in this study region requires careful analysis of how vegetation has evolved over the past three decades. It evolves according to management methods imposed by humans and climate variability. Satellite imaging (also called space imaging) refers to the taking of images from space, by sensors placed on satellites. The physiognomy of vegetation refers to the overall appearance of the vegetation, structure, and more particularly aerial system. This allows an overview on a very large scale, which depends on the species in an environment.In addition, topographic maps were acquired and digitized, as well as photographs. This study was undertaken with the aim of showing from satellite images the transformations undergone by plant formations in four Divisions of the Far North region of Cameroon and make a forecast of the vegetation of the study sites in thirty (30) years.From the analogical interpretation and mapping of land data, seven major land cover classes have been identified. These are: Steppe, Grassy Savannah/Fields, Shrubby Savannah, Wooded Savannah, Forest Gallery/Clear Forest, Surface Water and Buildings/Bare Soil and Sand Strip. The evolution of deforestation does not affect all vegetation, but there is an increase in other types of plant formations to the detriment of others. In addition, the vegetation of the study area is undergoing a regressive evolution due to the phenomenon of deforestation. Satellite images clearly show a number of negative changes in plant physiognomy. The 1993 image shows homogeneity of spots. Thirty (30) years later (2023), it indicates heterogeneous spots. Overall, the simulation of percentage changes in deforestation is very accentuated in the study area. The results of this study show that vegetation is in full decline in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Cameroon. This regression is due to deforestation and the deforestation is a function of ethnicities, cultures and traditions.Deforestation, which is mainly caused by human activities, has the major consequences of flooding and loss of biodiversity. These results could serve as a reference for the search for strategies for the exploitation of natural resources and sustainable conservation of plant diversity in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Cameroon.
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