In the manufacturing industries, noise is one of the most common health hazards at workplaces. In wood machining, for instance, circular sawing processes in particular produce high noise emissions that often exceed the permitted limits. The main source of noise is the rotating circular saw blade, whose aeroacoustic behavior is influenced by air turbulence on the tool contour. So far, no numerical approach to study and optimize the aeroacoustic noise emissions from circular saw blades has been investigated. This paper addresses this deficit and presents a methodology for modeling the flow-induced sound generation on rotating circular saw blades based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. With the implementation of the acoustic analogy according to Ffowcs-Williams/Hawkings, the sound pressure levels could be calculated with sufficient accuracy. With deviations between 7 and 10%, the influence of the rotational speeds could be plausibly modeled. Based on the validated numerical model, geometry variants with various modifications were investigated regarding their potential for reducing sound pressure levels. Based on a conventional reference geometry, different chip space volumes and various modifications to the tooth rim and tooth shape were investigated and evaluated as part of simulative parameter studies. Sound pressure level reductions in the range of 2.2–10.8 dB were achieved. The results obtained and the systematic approach investigated provide a suitable set of instruments for industrial practice. Digital prototypes can be designed at an early stage in the product development phase of circular saw blades regarding their aeroacoustic properties.
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