Abstract The study has been made for modulational instability of ion acoustic waves in an electron-ion unmagnetized plasma where ions are dynamic and warm while electrons follows the generalized (r,q) distribution. The Krylov Bogoliubov Mitropolsky (KBM) method is employed to derive the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE). The dispersive and nonlinear coefficients P and Q are retrieved which depend on σ_{i} (Temperature ratio) and spectral indices (r,q). The bright and dark solitons are excited for the case PQ>0 and PQ<0 respectively. Amplitude of bright solitons is characterized by a localized intensity peak and dark solitons by a localized intensity hole on a homogeneous background. The growth rates and modulationally stable/unstable zones are analyzed numerically. It is established that spectral indices (r,q) of electron distribution function and temperature ratio of ion to electron play a major role in the creation of bright/dark envelope solitons in electron-ion plasmas in the presence of nonthermal distribution.
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