By means of the temperature dependence of the spectral and relaxation parameters of chlorine-35 nuclei, a study has been made of the reorientation of the trichloromethyl group in crystalline CCi3CON-HCH2Ci. The reorientationai mobility of the CCi 3 group bonded with a tricoordinated carbon atom has been examined as a whole; and the magnitude of the corresponding potential barrier is judged, a barrier which, for crystalline compounds, is within the limits of 3.5-12 kcai/moie according to the data obtained in a number of studies. it had been noted previously that the reorientational mobility of the trichloromethyi group is governed to a considerable degree by the coordination of the central atom to which it is bonded [i]. in this article we will examine the intracrystai mobility of this atomic group in the case in which it is attached to a tricoordinated carbon atom. To this end, we applied 3SCi nuclear quadrupoie resonance (NQR) in a study of the compound CCi~CON-HCH2Ci at temperatures from 77 K to the melting point (352 K) and compared the data with the results obtained in analogous studies reported in the literature. in Figs. i and 2 we show the temperature dependences of the resonance frequency v and time T I of quadrupoie spin-lattice relaxation of 35Ci nuclei in crystalline CCi3CONFHCH2CI (the experimental procedure and the treatment of the results from the measurements were the same as in [2]). The 35Ci NQR frequencies at 77 K have the following values (in MHz): 39.988, 39.683, and 39.289 (CCi 3 group), and 34.768 (CH2Ci group); these values decrease with increasing temperature as a consequence of the increase in amplitude of molecular thermal iibrationai vibrations, in the crystal, these vibrations are also the source of a mechanism of nuclear quadrupoie spin-lattice relaxation, termed the iibration mechanism (the corresponding rate of relaxation varies with temperature in accordance with a power law aT n [3]). From the temperature dependences v(T) and Ti(T) that have been reported, it can be seen that, apart from molecular iibrations, there is reorientationai motion of the CCI~ group in solid CCiaCONHCH2Ci , which is manifested upon heating the crystal in the disappearance of the resonance signals of this group at about 240 K (i.e., more than i00 ~ below the melting point of the sample), and, prior to this disappearance, an exponential decrease in the time T i. Both of these phenomena are due to the exponential increase in the rate of CCi a reorientation with increasing temperature (following the Arrhenius law). On the whole, the temperature behavior of spin--lattice relaxation of 3sCl nuclei of the CCI a group is described by an additive expression that takes into account the independent action of the libration and reorientation mechanism [3]:
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