In the development of integrated circuits, operational amplifiers are indispensable basic units CMOS operational amplifiers are the core components in analog integrated circuits, which are widely used in signal acquisition, data processing, communications and other fields. components in analog integrated circuits, which are widely used in signal acquisition, data processing, communications and other fields, and their performance has a direct impact on the accuracy and stability of the entire system. With the continuous development of electronic technology, CMOS operational amplifiers play a vital role. operational amplifiers play a vital role in many fields. However, the misalignment problem has been one of the key factors affecting the performance of However, the misalignment problem has been one of the key factors affecting the performance of CMOS operational amplifiers. This paper introduces the basic principles of CMOS operational amplifiers, thoroughly studies the phenomenon of CMOS operational amplifiers' misalignment. This paper introduces the basic principles of CMOS operational amplifiers, thoroughly studies the phenomenon of CMOS operational amplifiers' misalignment, the definition and sources of the misalignment voltage and its effects, and analyzes the main reasons for its generation, including device mismatch, process deviation, and so on. In this paper, we summarize several methods to reduce distortion from dynamic distortion elimination technology and design and process optimization, which can effectively reduce the distortion voltage of CMOS op amps. The main dynamic misalignment elimination techniques are chopping and auto-zeroing, as well as a special form of auto-zeroing, i.e., correlation dual- sampling technique. Design and process optimization includes two methods of device selection and matching optimization and circuit topology design.
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