Magnetic microcombs are necessary in microrobotics, MEMS technologies, actuator and magnetic flow analyzer industries. Usually, magnetic microcombs are artificial linear magnets of periodic shape. We propose another type of microcombs based of microwires, where periodicity of magnetization is caused by equidistant alternation of natural domains. We have demonstrated the presence of quasi-periodic radial magnetization and the effect of temperature and magnetic field on magnetic relief in PrDyFeCoB microwires. Accurate analysis of chemical, phase and structural composition of the microwires allowed us to reveal necessary conditions for the creation of periodical magnetic relief. Annealing affects magnetic relief and changes structure of initially amorphous microwires. Crystal structure of inclusions enriched with Fe and Co instead of Dy and Pr is body-centered cubic (BCC), while the bulk of the microwire has tetragonal structure. We have found laser stimulated amorphization of surface of PrDy-FeCo-B microwires. Partial restoration of the amorphous structure in polycrystalline microwires under single laser pulse of irradiation of 1mJ power and 120 ns duration has been found in 1–2 μm depth.