Single crystals fabricated in glass by localized heating can develop uniquely deformed lattices stabilized by the surrounding amorphous medium. The development of lattice curvature appears to be intrinsic to the crystal growth process in some systems, while the result of the locally changing crystallography in others. In this work, a model laser-fabricated rotating lattice Sb2S3 crystal grown in stoichiometric glass is used to demonstrate fabrication of novel macroperiodic metastructures that utilize intrinsic lattice curvature superimposed with subtle crystallographic influences. The limited availability of slip systems drives the lattice curvature magnitude to vary with crystal growth direction, maximizing for lattices aligned with the predominant Burgers vector along with corresponding increases in dislocation density. Misaligned lattice orientations form smaller secondary lattice curvatures arising from misaligned Burgers vectors with further elastic contributions. Over extended crystal growth, these secondary components align the lattice to rotate about either the <001> or <010> crystal axes forming repeating metastructures of lattice orientation with periodicity 20-160 microns in length. The mechanistic approach used in this work may be expanded to other systems with known slip systems to better understand and design macroperiodic metastructures.
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