To evaluate the effects of amnioinfusion in oligohydramniosis. During a 20-month period, patients at term with oligohydramniosis (amniotic fluid index less than 5 cm) at Huddinge University and Norrköping Hospitals were recruited for a prospective randomized study to evaluate amnioinfusion. Informed consent was obtained from 112 patients who met the entry criteria. Sixty subjects were randomized to amnioinfusion and 52 to the control group. Outcome parameters included fetal heart rate abnormalities, mode of delivery, Apgar score, pH in umbilical artery blood and need for neonatal intensive care. The cesarean section rate was significantly reduced in the amnio-infusion group (29% versus 13%, p=0.043). No difference in time from randomization to delivery was detected between the two groups. The frequency of ominous fetal heart rate tracings with a cervical dilatation of 0-3 cm was the same in the two groups. The frequency of such heart rate patterns after amnioinfusion was significantly lower than in the control group. Neonatal outcome, pH in the umbilical artery blood and need for neonatal intensive care did not differ between the two groups. The present study confirms the findings of other authors that amnioinfusion effectively reduces the number of cesarean sections in cases of oligohydramniosis.
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