Amino acids are critical to tumor survival. Tumors can acquire amino acids from the surrounding microenvironment, including the serum. Limiting dietary amino acids is suggested to influence their serum levels. Further, a plant-based diet is reported to contain fewer amino acids than an animal-based diet. Here, we investigated the impact of a whole food, plant-based diet on lowering the serum levels of amino acids in patients with cancer. Patients with metastatic breast cancer (n=18) were enrolled in clinical trial NCT03045289 . An ad libitum whole food, plant-based diet was implemented for 8 weeks without calorie or portion restriction. We found that a whole food, plant-based diet resulted in a lower intake of calories, fat, and amino acids and higher levels of fiber. Additionally, body weight, serum insulin, and IGF-1 were reduced in participants. The diet contained lower levels of essential and non-essential amino acids. Importantly, the lowered dietary intake of amino acids translated to reduced serum levels of amino acids in participants (5/9 essential amino acids; 4/11 non-essential amino acids). These findings provide a tractable approach to limiting amino acid levels in cancer patients. This data lays a foundation for studying the relationship between amino acids in patients and tumor progression. Further, a whole-food, plant-based diet has the potential to synergize with cancer therapies that exploit metabolic vulnerabilities.