Thermonuclear fusion power generation assumes a nuclear fusion reaction between deuterium and tritium. Deuterium is abundant in seawater, and it is assumed that it can be recovered from there. Tritium rarely exists in nature. Therefore, tritium must be produced through a nuclear fission reaction between lithium and neutrons. Lithium exists stably in nature in the states of lithium 6 (6Li) and lithium 7 (7Li), and the isotope ratio is 6Li/7Li = 7.6/92.4. From the perspective of lithium production rate and energy balance, it is necessary to supply lithium with an isotope ratio of 6Li/7Li ≥ 90/10. The mercury amalgam method is the only practical method, but it has a large environmental impact [1]. Therefore, new 6Li isotope enrichment methods are being explored. One promising method is electrodialysis. Hoshino et al. reported that 6Li isotope enrichment could be achieved by electrodialysis using a porous polymer membrane impregnated with a liquid electrolyte [2, 3]. We have previously reported that 6Li isotope enrichment efficiency can be improved by applying a voltage with an appropriate intermittent profile to the front and back surfaces of the diaphragm of a lithium-ion conductive solid electrolyte membrane [3]. Here we investigated the effect of applied voltage during intermittent profile electrodialysis on isotope enrichment rate and lithium transfer rate. The isotope enrichment rate was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. In continuous voltage application, the 6Li isotope enrichment rate decreased as the applied voltage increased, but in intermittent voltage application, the 6Li isotope enrichment rate did not decrease as the applied voltage increased. Increasing the applied voltage increased the lithium transfer rate.[1] S. C. Brooks, G. R. Southworth, Environmental Pollution, 159, (2011) 219−228.[2] T. Hoshino, T. Terai, Fusion Eng. Des., 86(9-11), (2011) 2168-2171.[3] T. Hoshino, T. Terai, J. Nuclear Materials, 417, (2011) 696-699.[4] S. Honda, K. Shin-mura, K. Sasaki, J. Ceram. Soc. JPN, (2018) 331-335.
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