Call them boomers or boomers. They are generation born just after end of World War II (1946) through 1964, year Beatles were introduced on Ed Sullivan Show. This is Woodstock Generation, age that marched against establishment with hopes of ending Vietnam War. This defined generation has been seen as group that would have everything that their parents and grandparents could provide for them. Unfortunately, many of their once-strong nest eggs have shrunk over past few years because of financial crisis precipitated by mortgage collapse of 2008. In general, they are much healthier, better educated, and more financially secure than their parents or grandparents. This also is can do anything generation. Being a baby boomer myself, I can concur with all that. At same time, nature of what it means to grow older and definition of what it means to be retired is being changed rapidly by this cohort. This is where libraries can play an essential role as they broaden their senior-based collection beyond traditional large-print books. Libraries around country are developing innovative programs to make retirement years productive, creative, and engaging. These include Transforming Life After 50 program developed by California State Library and Senior Spaces: Pennsylvania Style project developed by Commonwealth Libraries. As these programs are being developed, libraries are faced with building relevant collections that address myriad informational needs surrounding growing older as a baby boomer. RUSA Guidelines for Library and Information Services for Older Adults (2008) suggest some key areas for collection development including: health, health care, social security, financial planning, housing, independent living, elder law, care giving (including grandparenting), lifelong learning (including adult literacy and computer skills), community service, civic engagement, and volunteering. It further states that the Library's collections, programs, and informational services should reflect diverse interests and needs of older adults. (1) This issue of The Alert Collector is designed to assist you in developing and enhancing your physical and virtual library collections to better serve boomer generation. It also addresses issues of aging lifespan by including material for Silent Generation and Greatest Generation (the parents and grandparents of boomers). Marketing your collection can be made easier throughout year. For example, May is Older Americans Month, September includes National Grandparents Day and November is both Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month and National Family Caregivers Month. These suggestions are intended for all types of libraries, especially public libraries. Titles of a more scholarly nature on aging, geriatrics, and gerontology haven been intentionally excluded from this collection list. Also not included in this article are titles that were self-published or are available in e-book (e.g., Kindle) editions only. BUILDING A BASIC COLLECTION Libraries should begin with an evaluation of which of these key books they already own. These titles are standards that have been written by well-known authors and should be included in a library's basic collection. Some are updated on a regular and frequent basis. * Butler, Robert N. 2002. Why Survive? Growing Old in America. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. 978-0-8018-7425-3. * Cohen, Gene D. 2006. Mature Mind: Positive Power of Aging Brain. New York: Basic Books. 978-0465-01204-6. * Freedman, Marc. 2007. Encore Careers: Finding Work That Matters in Second Half of Life. New York: PublicAffairs. 978-1-58648-634-1. ( * Friedan, Betty. 2006. Fountain of Age. New York: Simon & Schuster. …
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