Adolescent perceptions of free sex behavior might influence their actions in behavior, especially with regard to sex. This study aims to obtain a description regarding adolescent perceptions of free sex behavior in Kebon Jeruk Village, Andir District, Bandung City, which includes two aspects, namely feelings and experiences. The research method used in this research is descriptive method with a quantitative approach. Data was collected through questionnaire in the form of statements, consisting of five alternative answers. Meanwhile, sample were taken with simple random sampling. The sample in this study were adolescents in the Kelurahan Kebon Jeruk, aged 15 to 19 years, totally 91 persons. Historically, this place was a famous brothel before changed function as Quranic School. The results indicate that the perceptions of adolescents which include two aspects, namely feelings and experiences of free sex behavior in this area, 83.43% are good and quite good (70.37%). Adolescent perceptions of free sex behavior are influenced by environmental factors or peer groups that are strong enough to influence them. One suggestion based on the results of research that has been done, namely by proposing a program called "Socialization of Sex Education for Youth Generation Z Based on Educational Group in Kebon Jeruk Village. This program has the following objectives: (1) increasing adolescent understanding of reproductive health, the dangers of free sex and its risks; (2) formation of educational groups or educational groups that participate in socializing related sex education to adolescents or to their friends in the Kebon Jeruk Village; and (3) increasing the ability of adolescents to prevent free sex behavior.