The Monte de Trigo Alkaline Suite is a Late Cretaceous syenite–gabbroid occurrence from the Serra do Mar Alkaline Province, southeastern Brazil. It has a zoned nepheline syenitic stock with nepheline syenite I (NSI), the most SiO 2 -undersaturated, in the centre, surrounded by nepheline syenite II (NSII) and alkali feldspar syenite with nepheline (SN). Synplutonic miaskitic and agpaitic nepheline microsyenite (MNM and ANM, respectively) dykes cut across the stock. Extensive fractionation of alkali feldspar and mafic minerals is attributed to the formation of the syenitic facies and dykes. Mineral chemical data indicate that SN crystallized at relatively high silica activity ( a SiO 2 ; 0.5–0.7), a H 2 O (0.24–0.11) and f O 2 (difference from the fayalite–magnetite–quartz buffer in log units, ΔFMQ + 0.2 to ΔFMQ − 0.2), in contrast to NSII and NSI ( a SiO 2 , ∼0.41; a H 2 O, 0.05–0.02; and f O 2 , ΔFMQ − 1.4 to ΔFMQ − 1.1). These parameters vary with magma evolution towards the phonolite eutectic and appear to control variations in paragenesis, from hastingsite + biotite ± diopside/hedenbergite in SN to hastingsite in NSII and hastingsite + hedenbergite in NSI. The MNM have high a H 2 O (0.31) and hastingsite + biotite + aegirine–augite assemblages. In contrast, the ANM are characterized by an F-rich anhydrous agpaitic assemblage.
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