Alcoholic extract of fruits of Piper longum is reported to have antihypertensive activity, significantly due to presence of alkaloids like piperine, piperlongumine, piperlonguminine and pipernonaline. A sensitive and specific HPTLC method was developed and validated for simultaneous estimation of piperine, piperlongumine and piperlonguminine in fruit extracts with a purpose to provide the analytical support during the development of formulation as well as to serve as a quality control tool for optimised formulation. Developed method was validated with respect to ICH (International Council for Harmonisation) Q2(R1) and found to be accurate, precise, sensitive, specific and robust for estimation of piperine, piperlongumine and piperlonguminine. Method was successfully applied for assay of dry powdered extract and optimised tablet formulation in terms of content of piperine, piperlongumine and piperlonguminine as well as to study the dissolution profiles of formulation batches during development stage.
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