Some agricultural activities contribute to the deterioration of natural resources, soactions must be taken to conserve them. Agroforestry practices allow the regulationof agricultural activities and contribute to the conservation of natural resources, andalso mitigate the emission of greenhouse gases. The objective of the work was todocument information regarding Agroforestry Systems (SAF) as a viable alternativeto address environmental degradation in Mexico. A search was carried out forscientific articles, technical notes, dissemination documents, technical evaluationreports and books, through scientific search engines. The most used agroforestrysystems in Mexico are simultaneous and live fences. The establishment of anagroforestry system depends on the ecological characteristics and the needs ofproducers in each region. However, the adoption of these systems provides social,economic and environmental benefits. Today's society requires ecosystem goods andservices to survive, which is why agroforestry systems should be considered as analternative to restore degraded areas and always maintain soil coverage andproductivity in different regional environments of the country.
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