
A rubber agroforest system is a form of land use that considers ecological and economic aspects that are still maintained by the people of Tumbang Mantuhe Village. This study aims to identify and analyze the diversity of vegetation in the agroforest system in Tumbang Mantuhe Village, Gunung Mas Regency, Central Kalimantan. This research uses purposive sampling and the vegetation analysis method. The results showed that the species of vegetation in the rubber agroforest system amounted to 29 species in 23 families. At the seedling level, it is dominated by Macaranga sp. and Xylopia ferruginea; the sapling level is dominated by H. brasiliensis and Syzygium tawahense; the pole level is dominated by Deplanchea bancana and Xylopia ferruginea; at the tree, the level is dominated by H. brasiliensis and Lithocarpus sp. At the seedling, sapling, pole, and tree levels, the diversity values were moderate and the species richness values were moderate to high, and the species distribution was even (stable). The H. brasiliensis agroforest system with various trees in it is a characteristic of local wisdom that the people of Tumbang Mantuhe Village have applied from generation to generation, which provides a balance between ecology and economy.

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