Sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt), is a maize subspecies with rapidly increasing consumption in the world and in Türkiye both in terms of its nutritional content and various uses in fresh, frozen and canned form. Nitrogen plays a crucial role in promoting most of plants growth and productivity. Plant nutrient recommendations are important to maximise profit and productivity in sugar maize production. The influences of nitrogen (N) fertigation on yield and some quality parameters of sweet corn under South Eastern Anatolia Region (Diyarbakır) conditions of Türkiye were investigated in that trial. Fertigation applications were executed under regional conditions of Diyarbakır on the experimental land of GAPUTAEM (GAP International Agricultural Research and Training Center). “BATEM Tatlı” variety of sweet corn was utilized as the plant material. The trial was arranged as randomized complete block design with 4 replications and five different N applications (0-75-150-225-300 kg ha−1) were implemented to trial plots through a fertigation system. During the 2015 and 2016 growing season that the trial was carried out a total of 520 mm and 476 mm of irrigation water were applied, respectively. According to the study results N levels had a significant effect on fresh grain yield, crude protein (p
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