The quality of requirements is typically considered as an important factor for the quality of the end product. For traditional up-front requirements specifications, a number of standards have been defined on what constitutes good quality : Requirements should be complete, unambiguous, specific, time-bounded, consistent, etc. For agile requirements specifications, no new standards have been defined yet, and it is not clear yet whether traditional quality criteria still apply. To investigate what quality criteria for assessing the correctness of written agile requirements exist, we have conducted a systematic literature review. The review resulted in a list of 16 selected papers on this topic. These selected papers describe 28 different quality criteria for agile requirements specifications. We categorize and analyze these criteria and compare them with those from traditional requirements engineering. We discuss findings from the 16 papers in the form of recommendations for practitioners on quality assessment of agile requirements. At the same time, we indicate the open points in the form of a research agenda for researchers working on this topic .