Benchmark macroeconomic models of output and inflation combine the demand side of the economy with aggregate supply equations based upon some version of the Phillips curve. In contrast to classical and new classical models such as Lucas (I972) and Sargent (1979, chs. i, xii and xvi), in which prices jump instantaneously to market clearing levels, the gradual price-adjustment approach represented by Tobin (1972), Laidler and Parkin (I975, section 4), Barro and Grossman (1976, ch. 5), Sargent (1979, ch. ii and ch. v.i), Okun (I98I), and Perry (I983) take wages and/or prices to be predetermined at an instant in time while their rates of change depend on the level of aggregate output. In the prototype complete macroeconomic model incorporating this approach, output is determined by aggregate demand equations while the augmented Phillips curve specifies that prices move in a direction which will tend to return output to its equilibrium value. This short-run Keynesian, long-run monetarist character is typical of many structural macroeconometric models. It is the standard textbook account found, for example, in Dornbusch and Fischer (I98I) and is implicit in much current research. There are fundamental questions of consistency in the type of model just described. The central difficulty is that, with wages and prices predetermined, the non-market-clearing analysis ofBarro and Grossman (I 976, ch. 2) and Malinvaud (I977) is applicable. But in this world the aggregate demand equations are decisive only in the Keynesian regime: in the other regimes, which must arise at high levels of aggregate demand, the effective supplies of output or labour or both must be modelled. Indeed, at the aggregate level it is difficult to provide a coherent account of how it is possible to have output above its equilibrium value since this would require labour and output in excess of their notional supplies, violating Barro and Grossman's 'min' condition that quantities be determined by the short side of the market. An appealing line for addressing this last difficulty is to disaggregate markets, an approach taken by Hansen (I970), Tobin (I972) and Barro and Grossman (I976, ch. 5). However, because each market can be in either excess supply or demand, a formal fixed-price general equilibrium model appears to be intractable, due to the resulting multiplicity of regimes, and is not attempted by these authors. In this paper these problems are overcome in a disaggregated model in which
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