Solution to the problem of recycling and reducing the amount of household and other types of waste, their subsequent use as secondary raw materials, prevention of formation plays an important role in ensuring the sustainable development of the country. This problem is of particular importance in Ukraine, as the amount of waste here is constantly increasing and the area on which it is located is growing, there is a low level of recycling, landfills do not meet the requirements of environmental safety and pose a significant threat to the environment and human health. The solution to this problem is possible using the conception of ecological marketing by product manufacturers as well as trade agents and state authorities. The goal of this paper is to justify the means of ecological marketing, which are directed to the management of using of household and other types of waste as well as reducing their amount. It was found that ecological consciousness and habits of the population have significant impact to providing wastes separation and their recycling. It was detected that they are dependent on price for waste collection. Effective state-level communicative policy also can stimulate population to proper behavior related to household waste, reducing their amount and separation. The policy may include educational programs implementation through conducting ecology classes at schools and other educational institutions, implementation of ecological measures as events by municipal authorities, that will allow to engage young generation to solution of ecological problems, construct their ecological consciousness. Simultaneously engaging civil and religion organizations that can impact to behavior is important for constructing more responsible attitude of elderly people to solution of ecological problems. Domestic enterprises can play significant role in preventing of wastes producing. That will provide a bunch of benefits for society, customers, and enterprises. Recommended measures for ecological marketing were proposed in the article for manufacturers and trade agents for preventing of household and other types of waste. REFERENCES:1. Bublyk M.I. Ekolohichnyi marketynh yak instrument mekhanizmu rozvytku sotsio-ekoloho-ekonomichnoi systemy. Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika". Seriia "Lohistyka". 2011. No. 706. P. 202-207 [in Ukrainian].2. Shaporenko O.I. Ekolohichnyi marketynh yak zaporuka yakosti zhyttia: kontseptsii, stratehiia, rynok. Derzhavne upravlinnia: udoskonalennia ta rozvytok. 2019. No. 2. [in Ukrainian].3. Vladymyrova M.S. Formuvannia ekolohichnoho marketynhu na pidpryiemstvi. Molodyi vchenyi. 2016. No. 4 (31). P. 35-38 [in Ukrainian].4. Maliei O.V. Udoskonalennia ekonomichnoho instrumentariiu upravlinnia u sferi povodzhennia z tverdymy pobutovymy vidkhodamy na rehionalnomu rivni. Efektyvna ekonomika. 2013. No. 12. URL: [in Ukrainian].5. Boronos V.H., Shkarupa O.V., Konovalov M.H. Ekolohichna modernizatsiia systemy upravlinnia povodzhennia z tverdymy pobutovymy vidkhodamy v Ukraini na osnovi dosvidu YeS ta Norvehii. Marketynh i menedzhment innovatsii. 2016. No. 2. P. 222-234 [in Ukrainian].6. Luca F.A., Ioan C.A. Іmplementation of green marketing in the analysis of municipal waste produced in Romania, correlated with environmental policy management. Environmental Engineering and Management. 2014. Vol. 13. № 12. Р. 3131-3142. URL: So W., Chow C., Lee J. (Eds.) Environmental Sustainability and Education for Waste Management. URL: Navkolyshnie pryrodne seredovyshche. Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy. URL: [in Ukrainian].9. Environment. Eurostat. URL: Pobutovi vidkhody v Ukraini ta YeS: obsiahy ta stan povodzhennia u 2017 rotsi. Ekonomichnyi dyskusiinyi klub. URL: [in Ukrainian].11. Tverdi pobutovi vidkhody v Ukraini: potentsial rozvytku. IFC. URL: [in Ukrainian].12. Voitsikhovska A., Kravchenko O., Melen-Zabramna O., Pankevych M. Krashchi yevropeiski praktyky upravlinnia vidkhodamy: posibnyk. Za zah. red. O. Kravchenko. Lviv, 2019. 64 p. [in Ukrainian].13. Z travnia diiut novi pravyla povodzhennia z pobutovymy vidkhodamy. VHO "Spilka vlasnykiv zhytla Ukrainy". URL: [in Ukrainian].14. Vidpovidalnyi rozvytok. Ofitsiinyi sait PrAT "Karlsberh Ukraina". URL: [in Ukrainian].15. Kuzo N.Ie., Kosar N.S., Dudnik B.E. Korporatyvna sotsialna vidpovidalnist u formuvanni pozytyvnoho imidzhu kondyterskoho pidpryiemstva na rynku. Infrastruktura rynku. 2019. Iss. 27. P. 174-181. URL: [in Ukrainian].16. Tserkva i ekolohiia. Relihiino-informatsiina sluzhba Ukrainy. URL: [in Ukrainian].