The paper presents data on electrophoretic variability of proteins in larval stage of Echinococcus granulosus helminths, which indicate that under electrophoresis of proteins of the studied helminth in Polyacrylamide, they fractionate into the following number of fractions: echinococcus fluid −18, extracts of scolices −20 and extracts of helminthic membranes −16 fractions. The comparison of electrophoregrammes of proteins in echinococci of sheep and pigs revealed that in the latter the number of fractions was higher and their electrophoretic mobility was lower. Under electrophoresis in agar gel, the obtained echinococcus antigens fractionated into two main albumin and betaglobulin fractions. The immunization of rabbits by echinococcus antigens induced synthesis of antibodies against both protein fractions. However, merely 70% of sera of immunoreactive rabbits formed precipitation link against the betaglobulin fraction of echinococcus antigen. All rabbit antisera showed obvious precipitation reaction (a si...