c 2017 International Press C OMMUN. M ATH. S CI. Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 839–862 TRANSFORMED SCHATTEN-1 ITERATIVE THRESHOLDING ALGORITHMS FOR LOW RANK MATRIX COMPLETION ∗ SHUAI ZHANG † , PENGHANG YIN ‡ , AND JACK XIN § Abstract. We study a non-convex low-rank promoting penalty function, the transformed Schatten- 1 (TS1), and its applications in matrix completion. The TS1 penalty, as a matrix quasi-norm defined on its singular values, interpolates the rank and the nuclear norm through a nonnegative parameter a ∈ (0,+∞). We consider the unconstrained TS1 regularized low-rank matrix recovery problem and develop a fixed point representation for its global minimizer. The TS1 thresholding functions are in closed analytical form for all parameter values. The TS1 threshold values differ in subcritical (supercritical) parameter regime where the TS1 threshold functions are continuous (discontinuous). We propose TS1 iterative thresholding algorithms and compare them with some state-of-the-art algorithms on matrix completion test problems. For problems with known rank, a fully adaptive TS1 iterative thresholding algorithm consistently performs the best under different conditions, where ground truth matrices are generated by multivariate Gaussian, (0,1) uniform and Chi-square distributions. For problems with unknown rank, TS1 algorithms with an additional rank estimation procedure approach the level of IRucL-q which is an iterative reweighted algorithm, non-convex in nature and best in performance. Keywords. transformed Schatten-1 penalty; fixed point representation; closed form thresholding function; iterative thresholding algorithms; matrix completion AMS subject classifications. 90C26; 90C46 1. Introduction Low rank matrix completion problems arise in many applications such as collabora- tive filtering in recommender systems [4,17], minimum order system and low-dimensional Euclidean embedding in control theory [14,15], network localization [18], and others [26]. The mathematical problem is: min rank(X) X∈ m×n s.t. X ∈ L where L is a convex set. In this paper, we are interested in methods for solving the affine rank minimization problem (ARMP) min rank(X) X∈ m×n s.t. A (X) = b in p , where the linear transformation A : m×n → p and vector b ∈ p are given. The matrix completion problem min rank(X) X∈ m×n s.t. X i,j = M i,j , (i,j) ∈ Ω is a special case of (1.2), where X and M are both m × n matrices and Ω is a subset of index pairs {(i,j)}. ∗ Received: September 25, 2016; accepted (in revised form): October 28, 2016. Communicated by Wotao Yin. The work was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-1222507 and DMS-1522383. † Department of Mathematics, University of California, Irvine, CA, 92697, USA (szhang3@uci.edu). Phone: (949)-824-5309. Fax: (949)-824-7993. ‡ Department of Mathematics, University of California, Irvine, CA, 92697, USA (penghany@uci.edu). § Department of Mathematics, University of California, Irvine, CA, 92697, USA (jxin@math.uci.edu).
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