This paper presents the ortho-photomap we created of the territory of the all-season tourist and recreational complex “Mamison” (ATRC “Mamison”) using the example of the Kozy-Don gorge, which was obtained using a DJI Mavic Air 2 unmanned aerial vehicle. The compiled ortho-photomap of the Kozy-Don gorge quite fully displays the terrain, which made it possible to create a DTM (digital terrain model) with a given image scale. Using DTM, areas of development of dangerous slope processes, such as avalanches, mudflows, etc., were identified. The data obtained with the help of UAVs are already being used for the research and development of mountainous areas, and are also taken into account in the design and construction of national economic facilities of the Mamison ATRC. Materials and methods. In this work, the creation of an ortho-photomap of the Mamison territory is shown using the example of the Kozy-Don gorge, where mudflow and avalanche activity is widespread. During the field work, aerial photography of the gorge’s relief was taken for further image processing in the Agisoft Metashape Professional software package. Results. About 1000 photographs were taken, of which 952 were aligned. Based on the aligned photographs, more than 551 thousand tie points were automatically constructed, reflecting relief characteristics. Based on the aligned photographs, more than 551 thousand tie points were constructed, reflecting relief characteristics. A denser cloud of points was built to clarify the characteristics of the relief; as a result of processing, a clearer relief model was obtained. Based on a dense point cloud, a digital model of the study area was built, with the relative heights of the Kozy-Don gorge. Using the resulting DTM, a map of average relief slopes was constructed, which was necessary to determine avalanche danger zones. Also, based on the DTM, an ortho mosaic was built for the territory of the Kozy-Don gorge. Discussion. During the field work, the Kozy-Don gorge was examined on the territory of the All-Russian Technical Complex. Aerial photography of the gorge’s relief was taken for further image processing in the Agisoft Metashape Professional software package. 194 photographs were taken. The photo database was created using the standard shooting equipment of the DJI Mavic Air 2 unmanned aerial vehicle. Based on the results of photo processing using software, an orthomosaic map was constructed for the territory of the Kozy-Don gorge of the Mamison ATRC. Conclusions. The created ortho-photomap of the Kozy-Don if ATRC “Mamison” quite fully reflects the topography of the study area. It allows you to select individual areas in the form of a 3-model with a given image scale. Resume. Based on aerial photography, a digital terrain model with relative heights is built. It allows you to select and form, in the form of a separate file, areas of development of dangerous slope processes – avalanches, mudflows, landslides. Suggestions for practical applications and directions for future research. The research results obtained using an unmanned aerial vehicle can be useful in the exploration and development of mountainous areas, especially where the terrain is difficult to pass and where stationary research is not conducted.