As part of the Antarctic Marine Ecosystem Research in the Ice Edge Zone (AMERIEZ) program, we examined the biomass and distribution of phytoplankton and protozooplankton at an advancing ice edge in the Weddell and Scotia Seas during the early austral winter. The advance of ice cover, local melting of sea ice and advection of water masses, possibly from lower latitude regions, were the main sources of variability in the physical regime of the ice-edge zone. Analysis of the plankton assemblage showed phytoplankton biomass (PPC) in the upper 100 m ranging from 100 to 272 mg C m −2 and protozooplankton biomass (PZC) ranging from 177 to 410 mg C m −2. Autotrophic dinoflagellates dominated phytoplankton stocks, followed by other autotrophic nanoflagellates and diatoms in decreasing biomass. Heterotrophic flagellates dominated protozooplankton biomass followed by ciliates and sarcodines. The biomass of major groups comprising the planktonic assemblage was similar at most stations with the exception of one station where diatoms predominated. Integrated PPC and PZC showed no relationship to water column stability. Integrated autotrophic flagellate biomass was higher at open water stations than at ice-covered stations, but none of the other integrated group biomasses showed variations that could be related to ice cover or water mass characteristics. Analysis of discrete-depth samples indicated that all groups (except the sarcodines) showed near surface maxima, that total PPC, diatoms and autotrophic flagellates showed higher biomasses at ice-edge and open water stations than at ice-covered stations and that none of the heterotrophs showed variations related to ice cover. Some groups, however, showed differences that could be related to water mass characteristics, but this was less evident than was the effect of depth or ice cover. Comparison of species assemblages of diatoms and choanoflagellates among water column stations indicated variations that could be related to the differing cruise legs and water mass characteristics. Similar diatom assemblages were found in both ice and water, but higher concentrations occured in the ice assemblages. A few diatom species were found to be indicator species for ice versus water assemblages and to distinguish among the varying hydrographic regimes. Although phytoplankton stocks were higher at non ice-covered than at ice-covered stations, we were not able to see distinct differences between ice-edge stations and those north of the furthest ice extent. We hypothesize that advection of sea ice into water above the freezing point and subsequent melting of ice probably affected much of our study area, so that any effects of “enhanced production” in the ice-edge zone would have been difficult to resolve. Moreover, absolute primary production was very low, and based on the trophic composition of the planktonic assemblage and production estimates from our AMERIEZ colleagues, we concluded that neither algal nor bacterial production was sufficient to produce an enrichment of protozooplankton stocks in the ice-edge zone. Calculations of a carbon budget suggested bacterial production was a significant proportion of total production and that the nano- and microheterotrophs must predominate in the utilization of both phyto- and bacterioplankton production at the winter ice edge. An analysis of species assemblages suggested little advection of populations from lower latitude regions and supports the contention that material was apparently released from sea ice during localized melting events. This input of carbon biomass and detritus from ice may supply the carbon needed to support the high concentrations of heterotrophs observed in our study, but this interpretation is confounded because ice-edge heterotrophic plankton populations also may be enriched by seeding from sea ice.