This paper explores how optimizing vessel speeds can help reduce carbon emissions in the maritime industry. Focusing on liner shipping routes between China and Europe, it examines how carbon pricing mechanisms, including carbon taxes and emissions trading under the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), impact operational costs and emissions reduction. With the use of advanced optimization methods, such as the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) and the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), this research explores the balance between adjusting vessel speeds and minimizing emissions. The findings show that shipping companies on the China–Europe route can reduce the financial strain of carbon pricing by carefully managing speeds and voyage times. This study compares two scenarios of carbon tax policy and carbon trading rights in terms of voyage costs and carbon emissions. The results of this comparison based on the given parameters indicate a reduction of 1124 tons of carbon emissions with the carbon tax policy scenario, while the carbon trading rights scenario allows for more voyages yearly (5.24 vs. 5.30). This demonstrates one policy being more economical, while the other is also more environmentally efficient. These insights support the development of strategies that align environmental goals with economic priorities, paving the way for more sustainable maritime operations. The study introduces its objectives and reviews relevant literature by presenting a detailed methodology, incorporating emissions modeling with clearly defined parameters. The analysis presents results that undergo sensitivity testing and limitations using MATLAB (R2022a version). The study concludes by discussing policy implications and recommendations for future research and practical advancement
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