Lipocalin-2 (LCN2) is an acute phase protein able to bind iron when complexed with bacterial siderophores. The recent identification of a mammalian siderophore also suggested a physiological role for LCN2 in the regulation of iron levels and redox state. In the central nervous system, the deletion of LCN2 induces deficits in neural stem cells proliferation and commitment, with an impact on the hippocampal-dependent contextual fear discriminative task. Additionally, stress is a well-known regulator of cell genesis and is known to decrease adult hippocampal cell proliferation and neurogenesis. Although voluntary running, another well-known regulator of neurogenesis, is sufficient to rescue the defective hippocampal neurogenesis and behavior in LCN2-null mice by promoting stem cells' cell cycle progression and maturation, the relevance of LCN2-regulated hippocampal neurogenesis in response to stress has never been explored. Here, we show a lack of response by LCN2-null mice to the effects of chronic stress exposure at the cellular and behavioral levels. Together, these findings implicate LCN2 as a relevant mediator of neuronal plasticity and brain function in the adult mammalian brain.
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