SUMMARY Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the relation between the perception of self and other important individuals’, the ways of this perception and the self-esteem, comorbid psychopathologies and the traumatic experiences in adolescents took the diagnosis of Conversion Disorder (CD). Method: A total of 20 adolescent girls aged 12-18 took the diagnosis of CD and have still being followed were included in the study as experimental group and 20 healthy girl adolescents paired with the experimental group in the terms of age, gender, educational status. Both of groups were evaluated with Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version, Rosenberg Self- Esteem Scale. Results: Adolescents with CD have more psychopathology levels, lower self-esteem. Traumatic experiences, including sexual abuse in particular have been identified in patients more commonly than the controls. Discussion: CD is usually accompanied with mood disorders. These are followed by anxiety disorders, dissociative disorders and personality disorders respectively. In a study, patients who experienced pseudoseizures have been reported to have borderline personality disorders by %55, histrionic personality disorder by %16 and, antisocial personality disorder by %11. Keywords: Adolescent, conversion disorder, traumatic experiences, psychopathology and self-esteem. OZET Amac: Bu arastirmada Konversiyon Bozuklugu (KB) tanisi almis ergenlerin benlik saygilari, KB’ye eslik eden psikopatolojiler, yasadiklari travmatik deneyimler arasindaki iliskilerin arastirilmasi amaclanmistir. Yontem : Arastirmaya Konversiyon Bozuklugu tanisi almis ve izlemde olan 12-18 yas araliginda 20 kiz ergen ile yas, cinsiyet, egitim durumu acisindan hasta grubu ile eslestirilmis 20 saglikli kiz ergen alinmistir. Hasta ve kontrol gruplarina Rosenberg Benlik Saygisi Olcegi, Okul Cagi Cocuklari icin Duygulanim Bozukluklari ve Sizofreni Gorusme Cizelgesi-Simdi ve Yasam Boyu Versiyonu uygulanmistir. Bulgular: KB tanisi alan ergenlerin kontrol grubuna gore benlik saygilarinin daha kotu oldugu ve baska ruhsal bozukluklarin sik olarak eslik ettigi gorulmustur. KB’li ergenlerde basta cinsel istismar olmak uzere travmatik yasanti daha sik tanimlanmistir. Tartisma KB’ye en sik duygudurum bozukluklari eslik eder. Bunu sirasiyla anksiyete bozukluklari, dissosiyatif bozukluklar vekisilik bozukluklari izler. Yapilan bir calismada psodonobet geciren hastalarda borderline kisilik bozuklugu %55, histrionik kisilik bozuklugu %16 antisosyal kisilik bozuklugu %11 oraninda bildirilmistir. Sonuc: KB’ye eslik eden sorunlarin erken taninmasi, sagaltimda goz onunde bulundurulmasi ve islenmesi eriskin yasta gelisebilecek kimlik patolojilerin ve eslik eden diger psikopatolojilerin onlenmesi acisindan oldukca onemlidir. Anahtar sozcukler : Ergen, konversiyon bozuklugu, travmatik yasantilar, psikopatoloji ve benlik saygisi.
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