The effects of argon laser on the bony semicircular canals were studied in the guinea pig. After intraperitoneal administration of Nembutal, the bulla was opened in order to approach the lateral and posterior canals. The anterior canal was approached through the posterior fossa. The argon laser was applied through a probe which was connected to a device from HGM Medical Laser Systems. One of the three semicircular canals was irradiated one to several times by argon laser (1.0-1.5 W x 0.5 sec). Histopathologic examination of the temporal bones revealed that the semicircular duct shrank immediately after irradiation. The laser produced a charred area in the bony canal wall. The semicircular canals gradually became fibrotic and ossified and completely occluded within several weeks. Heat produced in the bony canal may be responsible for the morphologic changes. On delayed observation, the cochlea of the canal-irradiated animals showed no morphologic changes. Auditory brain stem responses were normal. Caloric stimulation using 5 ml/5 sec of ice water revealed no response in the lateral canal-irradiated animals.
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