Angioscopy has shown to be superior to angiography in detecting intraluminal post-PTCA changes. This randomized study was conducted to compare angioscopic results of rotational alherectomy (RA) vs balloon angioplasty (BA) in 43 patients with stable angina. Forty five lesions were randomly assigned to RA (n = 23) or BA (n = 22). We included lesions located 2 cm distal from the ostium of the vessel and in a straight segment. Restenotic or graft lesions were excluded from the study. RA consisted in rotablation with a single burr (75% of coronary diameter) followed by adjunctive BA (mean total inflation duration = 275 ± 145 sec, mean maximal inflation pressure = 5 ± 2 Atm). BA consisted in 2 to 5 balloon inflations Imean lotal inflalion duration = 356 ± 168 sec, mean maximal inflation pressure: 8 ± 2 Atm). Balloon size was chosen for a ratio: artery diameter/balloon diameter close to one. Angioscopy (4.5F lmagecath angioscope) was performed immediately after the procedure. Abnormal angioscopic findings included the presence of: 1) flaps, graded from 1 to 3(1: intimal: 2: protruding into ≤50% of the lumen: 3: protruding into >50% of the lumen). 2) Ihrombi, graded from 1 to 3 (1: flat deposits; 2: protruding but non-occlusive: 3: occlusive), 3) subintimal hemorrhage. The 2 groups were comparable for clinical data and angiographic lesion appearance. Angiography showed comparable results in the 2 groups. Success rate (residual % diameler stenosis <50%): 91% vs 92% and final % diameter stenosis using Philips DCI automated OCA: 33 ± 13% vs 30 ± 10% were similar in RA and BA groups respeclively, as well as rate of dissections (NHLBI classification): 3 in the RA group (grade A in 1, grade B in 2) compared with 7 in the BA group (grade A in 1, grade B in 5, grade C in 1), (p = NS). Nevertheless, on angioscopy, flaps were observed less frequently after RA(n = 6, 26%lthan afler BA(n = 13, 59%)and were also less severe (grade 1 in 4, grade 2 in 2 and grade 3 in none) than after BA (grade 1 in 4, grade 2 in 4 and grade 3 in 5), (p < 0.05). There was no difference in the incidence of angioscopic thrombi (4 after RA, 7 after BA) or subintimal hemorrhage (4 after RA. 3 after BA) between the 2 groups. There was no angioscopy-related complicalions. On angioscopy, rotational atherectomy wilh adjunctive balloon augioplasty leads to less frequent and less severe intra-luminal abnormalities than balloon angioplasty, with less intra-luminal flaps. Whelherthese findings are of clinical significance remains under invesligation.