In order to realise single on-chip three axis magnetic field sensing technology without the need for convoluted die stacking, perpendicular media must be exploited. This poses additional challenges in both static-bias and the dynamics of the stack. Presented here are ferromagnetic resonance measurements (FMR) on exchange-biased multilayers of IrMn3/[Co/Pt]n. We chart the evolution of the different anisotropies caused by both magnetic field annealing and increasing repetition number n. The damping of these stacks does not obey the usual symmetry seen in single and bilayer samples with in-plane anisotropy, but instead follows a sin2(θ) dependence. This, we propose, is entirely dominated by spin diffusion from the Co layers into the adjacent heavy metal layers. This is modelled using a simple effective circuit model, providing a guide for the optimisation of complex multilayers.