We show that soliton propagation in transmission lines where bandwidth-limited amplification, nonlinear gain or loss, and a strong third-order dispersion are present can be reasonably described in terms of a ‘‘twostage’’ perturbation theory. In contrast to the adiabatic soliton perturbation theory which is known to fail beyond a critical strength of third-order dispersion, a modulation of the soliton phase caused by third-order dispersion is taken into account in this approach. @S1063-651X~97!07302-9# PACS number~s!: 42.81.Dp Among others, there are two fundamental problems in using solitons in optical fiber communication lines: to reduce the fiber dispersion ~however, keeping it anomalous! ,i n order to allow the weak Kerr nonlinearity to produce a sufficiently narrow soliton, and to compensate the dissipative losses in long-haul systems @1#, simultaneously suppressing the noise. In order to cope with the former problem, a carrier wavelength near the zero-dispersion point ~ZDP! can be used, which in addition leads to the reduction of the soliton peak power. The latter problem can be resolved by means of bandwidth-limited amplification ~BLA!, i.e., the combined action of optical amplifiers and filters. A complicating factor is that third-order dispersion ~TOD! has usually to be taken into account near the ZDP. Although TOD is a Hamiltonian perturbation it gives rise to the emission of radiation where the so-called resonance radiation separates from the soliton and can entail a complete destruction of the soliton @2‐5#. Moreover, TOD leads to the breakup of the two-soliton bound state @2,6‐8#. But it is also known that other perturbations can be exploited to suppress these detrimental effects of TOD. It was shown in @9# that, e.g., the decay of the two-soliton bound state can be avoided if BLA comes into play. Moreover, it has been predicted @8,10# and experimentally verified lately @11# that BLA may absorb the emitted resonance radiation, thus lending the soliton a much better stability. Thus in view of these observations it is necessary to analyze the dynamical properties of solitons in the presence of several qualitatively different perturbations. The effect of TOD on the dynamical behavior of a single soliton has been intensively studied @12,13,6,14,4,5#. The soliton velocity and frequency shifts which appear due to the presence of TOD can correctly be described by transforming
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