Dust accumulation on solar panels is a mjor operational challenge faced by the photovoltaic industry. Removing dust using water-based cleaning is expensive and unsustainable. Dust repulsion via charge induction is an efficient way to clean solar panels and recover power output without consuming any water. However, it is still challenging to remove particles of ≈30µm and smaller because Van der Waals force of adhesion dominates electrostatic force of repulsion. Here, the study proposes nano-textured, transparent, electrically conductive glass surfaces to significantly enhance electrostatic dust removal for particles smaller than ≈30µm. We perform atomic force microscopy pull-off force experiments and demonstrates that nano-textured surfaces reduce the force of adhesion of silica micro-particles by up to 2 orders of magnitude compared to un-textured surfaces from 460 to 8.6 nN. We show that reduced adhesion on nano-textured surfaces results in significantly better dust removal of small particles compared to non-textured or micro-textured surfaces, reducing the surface coverage from 35% to 10%. We fabricate transparent, electrically conductive, nano-textured glass that can be retrofitted on solar panel surfaces using copper nano-mask based scalable nano-fabrication technique and shows that 90% of lost power output for particles smaller than ≈10µm can be recovered.
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