The scientific interest about the whole-bodyvibrations exercise (WBVE) has grown along of thetime worldwide. WBVE is generated in an individualin contact with the base of a vibratory platform.Hence, mechanical vibration produced in theplatform is transmitted to the body of the individual.This mechanical vibration is a physical agent thatis characterized by an oscillatory, harmonic anddeterministic motion; and biomechanical parameters,as frequency and peak-to-peak displacement must bewell defined to the safety and feasibility of the WBVEintervention.Clinical and experimental studies have beenperformed to try to improve the comprehension ofthe effects of the WBVE. Publications have suggestedthat biological effects would be associated with thetonic vibration reflex and/or to the neuroendocrineresponses.Several important clinical effects of the WBVEhave been described, such as (i) increase of the trunkflexibility, strength and power muscle and bonedensity, (ii) improvement of the quality of life, ofthe balance and cognition, and (iii) decrease of bothpain and risk of falls. Therefore, WBVE can be used interms of fitness, disease treatment, in rehabilitationprogram, and, in general termos, for the preventionand promotion of health.WBVE has been used as an intervention in variouspopulations, as (a) trained and untrained, (b) healthyand unhealthy and (c) young, adult or elderly. Somebenefits have been reported. Animals (dog, horse) havealso been submitted to the WBVE.In sports, improvements in the fitness have beendescribed in soccer players, divers, swimmers andcombat athletes, athletic throwers, dancers, and icehockeyplayers.Several publications have shown investigationswith postmenopausal women evaluating the action ofWBVE related to the frailty and in the improvementof the bone density and in reduction of the fallrisks. Individuals with metabolic syndrome, kneeosteoarthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,diabetes and obesity have had benefits due to WBVEintervention. The rehabilitation of subjects holdingsome disability related to diseases, such as cerebralpalsy, osteogenesis imperfecta, spinal cord injury,multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, stroke, when usingWBVE has revealed the relevance of this intervention.In addition, studies about the applicability of wholebodyvibration therapy in intensive care patients havealso been reported.Putting together all the previous considerations, itis very important to highlight the importance of thisspecial issue of HUPE Journal to all Health Sciencesprofessionals that have common interest in thetreatment and prevention of diseases, as well as in thepromotion of the health.The readers of this issue will have the opportunityto verify, in the the original papers section, thepossibility of applications of the WBVE to cardiacsurgery postoperative care. In individuals withmetabolic syndrome it is shown the improvementof the flexibility and the reduction of the pain level.Considering the aging, a significant increase in themuscle strength of the hip adductors and the kneeextensor muscles in elderly is also reported. Immediateeffects of WBVE on thermal symmetry of the lowerlegs and ankles of healthy subjects are revealed. Inaddition, the applicability of WBVE as a new tool inVeterinary Medicine is shown. Besides all WBVE uses,it is possible to point out that this clinical interventionis safe, feasible, and cost-effective.The human cutaneous mechanoreceptive afferentsresponse and the benefits of WBVE to individualswith knee osteoarthritis are reviewed, together withapplications of the WBVE in Intensive Care Unit.