Aim of research. The study of clinical and psychopathological features of formation and clinical course of depressive disorders and suicidal behavior in cancer patients.Materials and methods of research. For attaining the set aim, the complex examination of 154 patients of both genders with a cancer pathology of I and II degree and diagnosed depressive disorders was realized, with observing principles of bioethics and medical deontology. The main group included 103 patients with suicidal behavior signs, the control one - 51 men without suicidal behavior signs.Methods of research: clinical-anamnestic, psychodiagnostic, statistical.Results. There were described the features of the clinical picture of depressive disorders in cancer patients at adaptation disorders, such as depressive reaction, moderate or heavy depressive episode, organic depressive disorder.It was determined, that the true suicidal behavior prevailed in all patients (53,2 % of patients with depressive reaction, 56,5 % of patients with depressive episode, 51,2 % with organic depressive disorder), affective variant of suicidal disorder was observed in 38,1 %, 40,1 % and 44,1 % of patients, respectively; demonstrative-chantage suicidal behavior was observed in 8,7 % of patients with depressive reaction, 3,4 % of patients with depressive episode, 4,7 % – with organic depressive disorder.Patients from the main group demonstrated clinical manifestations of anxiety and depression by the hospital scale, high anxiety and depression by Hamilton scale, great depressive episode by Montgomery-Asberg scale, patients from the control group were characterized by clinical manifestations of anxiety and subclinical depression by the hospital scale, moderately expressed anxiety and depression by Hamilton scale, moderate depressive episode by Montgomery-Asberg scale.It was established, that the high level of suicidal risk and low level of consciousness of death in cancer patients with depressive disorders is a precondition of the suicidal behavior formation.Conclusions. 1. A malignant neoplasm it is a psychotraumatic factor for a patient and leads to the development of depressive disorders and suicidal behavior. 2. The clinical picture of depressive disorders in patients with a cancer pathology is characterized by the predomination of mood inhibition, effect of sorrow and anxiety, immersion into the felling of an acute grief because of a cancer diagnosis, with narrowing of cognitive functions and predomination of the content of a psychic trauma in consciousness.3. The main role in the formation of suicidal behavior of cancer patients is played by high indices of clinical scales of anxiety and depression, combined with the low level of death consciousness, burdened suicidal anamnesis З метою вивчення особливостей депресивних розладів та суїцидальної поведінки у онкологічно хворих було проведено комплексне обстеження 154 онкологічно хворих з депресивними розладами.Встановлено, що у формуванні суїцидальної поведінки онкологічно хворих провідну роль відіграють високі показники за клінічними шкалами тривоги і депресії, високий рівень суїцидального ризику та низький рівень самосвідомості смерті
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