Depression is high in prevalence rate, recurrence rate and disability rate. Acupuncture is effective on depression. The paper reviewed the regulatory effect of acupuncture on five prominent signaling pathways, i.e. mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK), Wnt/β-catenin, Notch, adenyl ate cyclase/cyclic adenosine phosphate/protein kinase (AC/cAMP/PKA) and NO/cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP); and elaborated the structure of each signaling pathway, the association with depression onset, and the relevant research progress of acupuncture in treatment of depression. In view of the regulation of signal pathways, acupuncture can up-regulate AC/cAMP/PKA and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), promote the expression of neurotrophic factors or Bcl-2, prevent from and repair neuronal damage, advance neurogenesis and improve synaptic plasticity; it can modulate the Wnt/β-catenin and Notch signal pathways to protect neurons and increase cell proliferation; and down-regulate JNK and up-regulate NO/cGMP signal pathways to inhibit stress that leads to abnormal apoptosis of neurosis and attenuate neurotoxicity and neuronal damage so that anti-depression of acupuncture is obtained. This review provides a new approach to the mechanism research of acupuncture in treatment of depression through regulating the relevant single pathways.
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