Minimizing transport losses in (nano)porous electrodes is essential to many electrochemical applications such as electrolyzers, fuel cells, high-power density batteries. Often diffusion is the dominating mechanism that limits mass transport in these electrodes with very large surface areas. Electrochemical methods that characterize diffusion in porous electrodes, such as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and scanning electrochemical microscopy, are limited in their use due to complex data interpretation and/or stringent infrastructure requirements. We have developed a novel method that utilizes a surface-limited reaction in a rotating disk setup that allows for the fast and straightforward characterization of effective diffusion coefficients in nanoporous electrodes, as well as estimation of their roughness.Surface-limited electrochemical reactions, such as underpotential deposition (UPD), are commonly used to characterize the electrochemical surface area of porous electrodes. However, it has been shown that in nanoporous electrodes these processes can run into mass transport limitations, taking minutes to reach completion1,2. We utilize this effect in a rotating disk electrode setup, where it results in a characteristic current transient (Fig. 1a). An analytical model was developed to describe these current transients and extract performance parameters. Different sections of the current transient can be utilized to gain information on the porous electrode as illustrated in Fig. 1a. Besides the effective diffusion coefficient, determining the roughness of the porous electrode, the uniformity of the external mass transport resistance, and the bulk diffusion coefficient are possible. The tortuosity can then be determined from the bulk diffusion coefficient, porosity, and the effective diffusion coefficient. Further analysis of the analytical model also shows the possibility of electrochemically mapping the distribution of active sites in porous electrodes.The methodology was tested experimentally on a platinum nanomesh electrode3 utilizing Cu UPD. An SEM image of a cross-section of the electrode is given in Fig. 1b. The nanomesh electrode's intrinsic high volumetric surface area (~ 30 m²/cm³) leads for certain to mass transport limitations for the Cu UPD process even for Cu2+ concentrations up to 0.8 mol/L. This combined with the uniformity of the electrode thickness allows it to be the ideal model system to verify the analytical model. The methodology was validated for different reaction conditions by comparing the tortuosity which was found to remain constant. The applicability of our method to porous electrodes in general will be discussed. References Y. Liu, S. Bliznakov, and N. Dimitrov, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 12362–12372 (2009).E. E. Levin et al., Nanomaterials, 13 (2023).S. P. Zankowski and P. M. Vereecken, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 10, 44634–44644 (2018). Figure 1
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