T HE propulsion concept of photonic propulsion (i.e., the direct transfer of the momentum of photons to a spacecraft that emits them) has been around since the beginning of the 20th century [1]. According to special relativity, the largest velocity of any kind of rocket exhaust particles is the velocity of light, c 2:99 10 m=s. Photons are the propellant with the largest specific impulse Isp 3:06 10 s, but with the smallest thrust-to-power ratio T=P 3:34 10 9 N=W. Photonic propulsion is highly inefficient in thrust generation at a given power. Thus, the applications proposed for its implementation require high-power photon beams and extremely large space platforms, with power generation from large solar collectors [2], nuclear power generators [3], or from antimatter power generators [4]. Implementation of these large complex systems is many decades away. One approach to enhance practicality of photonic propulsion involves overcoming its inherent inefficiency through amplification of photon momentum transfer. This may be accomplished by bouncing or trapping photons between two high-reflectance (HR) mirrors that form an optical cavity between two space platforms. There have been two types of optical cavities considered for this purpose: 1) passive resonant optical cavities and 2) nonresonant optical cavities. In a passive resonant optical cavity, a laser beam is injected into the cavity. Because the passive resonant optical cavity requires a high-power single-frequency laser (which is itself inefficient) for efficient power injection into the cavity, and because the passive resonant optical cavity is highly sensitive to small changes in cavity length [5] and deterioration in mirror quality, it is impractical for photonic propulsion. The sensitivity to cavity length was exemplified in a gravitational detection system with a high Q passive optical cavity, in which even a 1-nm perturbation in cavity length thwarted the resonance condition and canceled the force exerted on mirrors [6]. The nonresonant optical cavity approach [7,8], as in Herriot cells, requires tightly focused laser beam spots on each mirror to avoid the beam interference that may result in optical resonance in the cavity. However, as the cavity length and the number of laser beam reflections increase, the laser beam focal spot diameter projected on mirrors increases, which requires extremely large mirrors to avoid beam interferences. Once the laser beam spots start to interfere, the nonresonant cavity becomes the passive resonant cavity that is impractical for photonic propulsion. An attempt to demonstrate an amplified photonic propulsion concept based on the nonresonant optical cavity was performed by Gray et al. [9]. They reported measurement of an amplified photon thrust of 0:4 N using a 300Wcontinuous-waveNd:YAG laser and a photon thrust amplification factor of 2:6. The much-lower-than-expected performance probably resulted from the previously mentioned technical difficulties. Therefore, the previously proposed photonic propulsion concepts seemed to be impractical, and the search for a new viable photonic propulsion concept continues. Photonic laser propulsion (PLP) is a new and innovative photonic propulsion concept [10,11] that is based on forming an active resonant optical cavity between two space platforms. The laser gain medium is located in the optical cavity, in contrast to the passive resonant cavity concept, in which the laser gain medium is located outside of the optical cavity. In PLP, the photon thrust FT produced on each mirror is given by
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