Evaluate direct costs for the treatment of patient with active juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) in the inefficiency of conventional therapy. Direct costs applied to patient, health care and society in process of medical care provision were evaluated. In the study direct costs included cost of biologics for the treatment of active JRA, therapy cost of the most common side effects caused by biologics use, cost of inpatient care and cost of out-patient diagnostic and treatment of JRA patients. Therapy cost with Etanercept and Abatacept was evaluated on the first stage including spending on one patient treatment with active JRA with body weight 15 till 65 kg. during one year after three months of inefficient conventional therapy. Biologics doses and dosing regimen were defined on the basis of application sheet. Calculated annual therapy cost for Etanercept varied from 11,752 EUR to 23,503 EUR depending on body weight and for Abatacept from 8,879 EUR to 26,638 EUR respectively. During cost analysis authors considered only very often (>1/10) and often (>1/100, < 1/10) occurred side effects. Thus, cost of side effects treatment caused by Etanercept use resulted in 44 EUR and for Abatacept – 69 EUR. Next stage of cost analysis was evaluation of therapy cost for patients with JRA according standard of inpatient treatment è standard of out-patient treatment. Cost of 30 days of inpatient care and 14 months of out-patient care was considered during cost analysis for the treatment of patients with JRA. Cost of inpatient and out-patient care for patient with JRA excluding biologics cost amounted to 33585 EUR. Finally total direct costs for the treatment of patient with JRA during one year with body weight from 15 till 65 kilogram varied from 45,380 EUR to 57,132 EUR for Etanercept and from 42,534 EUR to 60,292 EUR for Abatacept respectively.
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