A novel breath-hydrogen analyzer involving an external chromatographic column in the form of a cartridge packed with molecular-sieve material and dessicant is described. The instrument incorporates a sintered SnO2 solid-state sensor into the detector, which registers a change in electrical potential in response to the adsorption of reducing gases; ambient room air is drawn through an activated charcoal filter by a small, internal pump and used as the carrier gas. Once calibrated with a gas of known H2 concentration, a digital meter registers the concentration of H2 in an unknown sample of breath air. The response is linear with concentration up to 160 microL/L. The external column is both necessary and effective for screening out contaminating reducing gases. The correlation coefficient for 250 gas samples measured simultaneously with an external-cartridge instrument and with an internal column chromatography is greater than 0.99. Results by the new analyzer corresponded 100% with those by the conventional machine for detecting carbohydrate malabsorption; for diagnosing efficient carbohydrate absorption, results by the two instruments agreed for 96% of the tests.