Standart soap quality in SNI 06-3532-1994 is a max water content of 15%, max free fatty acids 2.5% of the number of soaps 196-206 mg/gr in addition there are quality parameters that are not included in the SNI is many foams. Meanwhile, some industrial companies in Indonesia attract consumers with a lot of foam produced by the company's products.The purpose of this study is to discuss the effect of the size of the active carbon particles of palm shells on the reduction of free fatty acids in jelantah oil as the manufacture of soap raw materials and soap quality. determination of Free Fatty Acids using AOCS Ca 5a-40-1997 method, testing moisture content using SNI method 06-3532-1994, The number of hoardings uses the volumetric method. The results of this study showed that particle sizes of 100 mesh and 120 mesh occurred significant differences in the decline of free fatty acids. Where the particle size of 120 mesh is stronger absorbency in lowering Free Fatty Acids. this is because materials with smaller diameters have a greater absorption rate. This is related to the surface area of the activated carbon adsorbent of the palm shell that is available to interact with the substance contained in the solution. But there is no significant difference in the quality of soap, namely; Water Rate, Lots of Foam, Number of Hoarding.
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