While the rise of the medical sciences in the nineteenth century has been studied quite extensively over the last few decades, the development of modern biomedicine during the twentieth century is still a relatively little researched area. This biography of Rudolf Magnus, whose main contributions to experimental pharmacology and neurophysiology belong to the first quarter of the twentieth century, is therefore a welcome addition to our knowledge. Written by Magnus's son Otto, this book builds on family documents as well as scientific papers and publications. It provides detailed information on Rudolf Magnus's background and upbringing in a prosperous, educated Jewish family in Brunswick, before it continues with the period of his medical studies in Heidelberg. Here Magnus was especially influenced by the physiologist Wilhelm Kuhne, under whose supervision he graduated MD in 1898 with a study on direct blood pressure measurement in the exposed (animal) artery. In the same year he became assistant to Kuhne's son-in-law, the Heidelberg pharmacologist Rudolf Gottlieb. In 1908 Magnus was appointed to a pharmacological professorship at the University of Utrecht, the first such chair in the Netherlands, which he held until his death. Support from the Rockefeller Foundation allowed him to build here a large institute. Rudolf Magnus's work, both in Heidelberg and Utrecht, reflected the then very close connections between physiology and pharmacology, as can be seen from the numerous extracts of his research papers that this biography provides in English translation. Under Gottlieb, Magnus worked experimentally on diuresis and the mode of action of diuretics and digitalis; and he devised his own method for pharmacological tests on the isolated mammalian intestine, which later in Utrecht enabled him and his assistant Joan Willem le Heux to identify the role of choline in producing intestinal movements. From early on Magnus was also engaged in neurophysiological research. This became his main field in the Utrecht institute, where he explored the so-called “righting reflexes”, which control animal posture and which proved to be useful signs for the clinical diagnosis of human neurological conditions. For this research he and his collaborator Adriaan de Kleijn were considered for the award of the Nobel Prize, when Magnus died unexpectedly in 1927. Magnus had also wider cultural interests, as documented by his Heidelberg lectures on Goethe as a scientist, which are summarized with extracts in English translation in a separate chapter of this biography. Perhaps the most interesting aspect that this book brings out, chiefly through presenting Magnus's notes on his experiences at the International Congresses of Physiologists between 1895 and 1923, is his close relationship to British physiology. Magnus admired the experimental skills of John Newport Langley and Charles Scott Sherrington, both of whom he visited for joint research (in 1905 and 1908, respectively), following a period of laboratory work with Edward Albert Schafer in Edinburgh in 1901. The other side to Magnus's enthusiasm for British researchers was his estrangement from his own head of department, Gottlieb, who eventually dismissed him as his assistant with a letter in 1908 (pp. 193f.), shortly before the offer from Utrecht University became known. Magnus's service as a German medical officer in the First World War, during which he performed research on war gases in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin, caused a cooling period for his international relations, so that he was relieved when Sherrington resumed contact after years of silence in 1922. Despite the wealth of interesting and relevant detail that this biography provides, it is not easy reading. Otto Magnus often lets the historical documents and scientific accounts speak for themselves, rather than giving us a continuous narrative of his father's life and achievements. However, readers with a serious interest in the history of twentieth-century physiology and pharmacology, and in the scientific community that promoted these disciplines, will be richly rewarded.
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