The aims and objectives of a training course to train the trainers for village nutrition programs in Indonesia are described along with the selection and preparation of participants, course syllabus, and the various field and classroom activities. Certain aspects of both the program and training course are unique to Indonesia, but the principles of community nutrition and education techniques are applicable to many varied situations. The training course is aimed at workers who will be training villagers and overseeing the initiation and the operation of the various program activities envisioned. The assumption is that participants will enter the course with a firm background knowledge of nutrition and some grasp of the precepts of public health. The participants are divided into groups of 6-7 persons in order to ensure a heterogeneous mix of experience, geography and professional background. The general course objective was to educate persons designated as trainer for specified districts who will be prepared to train village level volunteers to organize and operate the village nutrition programs. Course content includes the following: nutrition; anthropometry; village weighing program; supplementary feeding; nutritional first aid; simple curative health services; home gardening; and organization/management. The specific objectives for each of the course content areas are outlined. A precourse reading assignment is sent to each participant 6 weeks prior to the training. The assignment includes 4 concise pamphlets covering basic nutrition, simple anthropometry, a village weighing guide, and a supplementary feeding program guide. Accompanying these pamphlets is a detailed examination to be used as a self test by the participant to assure an adequate standard of baseline knowledge on entering the course. Emphasis during the course is on small group (5-7 members) problem solving activities in the classroom and in the field. All lectures are illustrated with slides and briefly stenciled outlines that provide all necessary information. This approach encourages participants to interact more freely with the speaker and to grasp concepts rather than trying to record facts. A set of detailed written guides to provide clear instructions for action on return home is provided to all participants. A course schedule is outlined in detail.