In some situations, goal striving does not go without problems, leading to intrapsychic decisional conflict between giving up and persisting in problematic goal striving, known as an action crisis. However, only limited attention has been devoted to cultivable positive psychological resources that can shield individuals from an action crisis development. In the six studies, we examined the role of psychological capital (PsyCap), the higher-order construct based on similarities between hope, self-efficacy, resilience, and optimism and their unique characteristics in an action crisis experience. A pilot study (N = 295) established a link between variables, indicating that the more PsyCap participants had, the fewer action crises they experienced (and vice versa). In a preregistered follow-up study (N = 210), this finding was replicated. Furthermore, it was shown that the relationship was indirect, potentially mediated by the appraisals of goal attainment. In the third study (N = 411), some essential aspects were varied. The main findings were conceptually replicated, showing that PsyCap was associated with action crisis and predicted it above and beyond selected personality traits (negative emotionality and conscientiousness). In the fourth and fifth study (N = 272 and N = 268), the indirect role of goal-related negative emotions, controlled motivation, and effort was supported. Also, results were partially extended to goal progress. However, in a longitudinal study (N = 254) with the random intercept cross-lagged panel model, it was shown that although the average level of PsyCap across time points is negatively associated with the average level of action crisis (i.e., the between-person effect was supported), the cross-lagged within-subject effect of PsyCap on action crisis was not supported.